Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Organic?

We have decided to keep our community garden herbicide and pesticide free. The information below outlines some of the benefits of growing organic.

"Exposure to pesticides has been linked to a long list of diseases and health problems: Parkinson’s, infertility, cancer, birth defects, encephalitis, and lymphoma, just to name a few. Another problem is that the law does not require companies to test lawn pesticides with the same standards as pesticides used on commercially-grown food. Many of these contact hidden "inert ingredients" that have never been tested for possible harm. The Center for Disease Control has documented cases of farmworker illness after exposure to pesticides.

"In addition to the harm they can do to us humans, pesticides contaminate the air, water, soil, plants, and animals around us. For example, many studies have proven that pesticides harm honeybees, butterflies, ladybugs (which eat lots of other pests), and fish, and that lawn chemicals seep into the water table.

"Besides that, they can be expensive!

"Learning to combat pests without chemicals is a great way to help your health and that of your neighbors and the environment."
(Taken from:

Here are some additional resources about organic growing:

Posted by Julie Coyle

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