Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Benefits of Community Gardening

I've been reading Community Gardening by Ellen Kirby and I wanted to share some quotes that I found helpful or inspiring.

"Community gardens can be neighborhood crossroads. Gardens foster bonds of friendship and support among diverse people, shape the life of a neighborhood, and provide needed community services." (p.9)

"In neighborhoods across the country, garden-based youth programs are helping teens learn about food, leadership, and community...Perhaps most essentially, community gardens can inspire youth to cultivate ideas of value and a sense of what to do with their lives." (p.47)

"Many community gardens begin as healing projects -- an individual, a neighborhood, or a society seeks to restore balance, ease suffering, heal wounds, create beauty out of chaos, nourish hunger, make a place for the forgotten, or inspire new generations." (p.50)

Posted by Julie Coyle

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