Thursday, March 19, 2009

Notes from our first planning meeting - March 19th 6pm

Attendees - Kurt Hannah, Julie Coyle, Evan Wathen, Sarah Dick, Kevin Yount, Fred Nichols, Lindsey Kari, Elizabeth Cannone, Anna Hunt, Victor McHenry, Robbie Green and Kelly Green
Volunteers not in attendance - Ryan Coyle, Cassie Ryalls, Christina Robbins

Garden Space
We determined that the best space to begin with for this year would be the sloped area behind the building, near the parking lot and stairway.

Work Groups
We created work groups to take on the different tasks that will need to be accomplished. Below are the volunteers for the work groups.

Materials and Layout Planning Team - Julie Coyle and Evan Wathen
Construction Team(includes tilling, hauling dirt, etc.) - Evan Wathen, Ryan Coyle and Fred Nichols
Outreach Team - Sarah Dick, Christina Robbins and Lindsey Kari
Seed Team (includes planning and acquiring seeds) - Anna Hunt, Elizabeth Connone, Cassie Ryalls and Lindsey Kari
Project Management - Julie Coyle and Victor McHenry
Ongoing Garden Maintenance - Kevin Yount, Christina Robbins

We are hoping to begin tilling this weekend, construct raised beds on April 25th and begin planting the following week.

Stay posted as we update our progress!

Posted by Julie Coyle

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